The collection “Trace” is created to raise awareness of the global water crisis, a social and political problem which cannot continue being ignored or neglected. Water pollution and shortage leads to greater problems such as social instability, economical crisis and racial segregation. During the 21st century, hydropolitics is expected to be a major point of contention between nations, similarly to oil in the past century. Each piece in the collection is named after a river or lake basin to address regional hydropolitical issues such as Nile river basin, the scarcity of natural resources due to population growth and water pollution causes change in hydropolitical dynamics.
The perpetual shape of each individual piece is created in an effort to recall an abstract geological form with sinuous landscape, the iridescent surface integrated to the body creates the impression of a peaceful lake imparts a sense of calmness. The contrast is actively unveiled as the viewer examines the piece to study the inside, the smooth and harmonious form first perceived from the exterior is deceptive; instead, a hollow and “droughty” surface is revealed. The collection is titled “Trace”, a silent yet provocative action embedded in communal sensibility to trace memory of those water bodies that once embraced and nourished hundreds of people now are forever lost, trace water pollution sources which cause millions of people to die, reduced biodiversity, and most importantly, trace human consciousness to arouse collective effort for social change. Each of us is responsible for the future.